Monday, August 24, 2009

The Movie List... does it ever really get shorter?

Hello and welcome to what i'm very affectionately calling 'The Movie List'. I could also call this blog 'The Thorn in My Side'. My movie list is very much like 'The Song That Never Ends' just when you think you've made some progress the chorus starts over again.

I love movies. I love talking about movies. I love getting the inside scoop on movies. My only problem with these films I love so much is that there never seems to be enough time to see them all. Everytime I watch one movie it seems like there are another three I'm hearing about for the first time that I just HAVE to see.

I've seen so many movies in my short life that people find it hard to believe that there are some big popular ones I haven't - The Matrix comes to mind. I just tell them "It's on the list...."

So I'm inviting you to see my hallowed (haha) list. I'll be posting it up here and adding to it and subtracting from it as time goes on. My goal is to watch at least one movie a week and write about it here in addition to other movie news, thoughts and other odds and ends.

Welcome to 'The Movie List'!

1 comment:

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